The Blog / deborah

The Entrepreneur’s 7 Month Itch

The cliché© goes that after a couple has been together for 7 years, they tend to re-evaluate their relationship.  The man might decide he needs an hour a day to play online poker, the woman may demand that Tuesday is Girl’s Bowling Night.  More often, though, the 7 year itch implies that the couple is […]

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New Fellowstream Site Launched!

Sometimes, when you get really close to something, you think everyone understands what you’re talking about.  Spouses bring work home, utterly confusing their significant others with technical jargon.  Soccer fans can’t fathom anyone not into World Cup.  And entrepreneurs believe their product is so awesome, everyone already knows about it.  At least, that’s what happened […]

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Discounts and Customer Service

Last night, Jacob and I went on a Haunted Las Vegas tour, courtesy of our favorite new site, Groupon. For those of you who have never used Groupon, they give out super discounted tickets for restaurants, entertainment venues, and other fun places in select American cities. The tour was really fun. Our tour guide had […]

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Are you Motivating Your Team?

I recently watched Dan Pink’s talk about what motivates us. It’s not only an insightful talk, but the video is fun to watch as well: The video points out a very real management belief – that money is either the most important or the only way to motivate employees. I have worked for managers who […]

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Fellowstream June 2010 Update

Unless you’ve inherited a billion dollars from a rich uncle, you need a way to manage your tasks and work with others.  Sign up for the Fellowstream beta if you haven’t already: So, I have to admit that have 5 months straight of developing Fellowstream, Avalon Labs decided to take a few days off […]

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The Deadline: Steadfast or Flexible?

I’ve gotten into a lot of conversations with fellow project managers about deadlines.  Should they be steadfast like a concrete pole or flexible like a reed in the wind? Personally, I’m torn. On the one hand, deadlines ensure that things get done, which is the name of the game in project management.  Even though I […]

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Letting an Idea Simmer

Strange ideas seem to pop into existence late at night.  Jacob and I have spent countless midnight hours going over potential business ideas.  Some of them are extensions of Fellowstream (“VOIP and chat features!”), others different web apps we could build (“What about a better way to manage invoice tracking?”), and still others completely ridiculous […]

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4 Ways to Avoid Decision-Making Hot Potato

I’m sure this has happened to you: you were working on a project in a team.  You were tasked by a teammate to do some specific work, and you were raring to go.  You spent all day working and refining your task.  At seven, you were so hungry from skipping lunch that you took a […]

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All Work and No Family…

…makes for a very poor lifestyle. Now, we’re in the thick of launching a business here at Avalon Labs.  Lots of weekends and late nights have been spent developing, hashing and making Fellowstream the best it can be.  We’re boot strapping with the smallest team we can afford right now, and that means everyone has […]

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Fellowstream gets Avatars, File Attachments, and More!

Our closed beta testers have been pouring in suggestions, and we hear you loud and clear.  The completely free version of Fellowstream now has: Avatars:  All of your team members can see your smiling face inside of Fellowstream. File Attachments:  Need to share a document, spreadsheet or picture?  No problem!  Fellowstream allows you to attach […]

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