If you’ve been following my Twitter account this last week, you’ll notice I’ve been writing a lot of tweets on “writing ad copy.”  Some writers find marketing copy a chore.  I see it as more of a challenge.  I need to give you useful information in the most pleasing way possible to persuade you to try something.  While some might complain that writing copy is barely a step up from lying, I prescribe to Seth Godin’s rule of marketing, meaning I aim for straightforward, truthful text meant to get you to understand the product, and if you’re not in the market, no harm, no foul.

So, without further ado, here are Fellowstream’s new Feature pages!  The main page is a quick overview of all of Fellowstream’s bells and whistles.  The five sub-pages (Workspace, Projects, Streams, Team, and Inbox) goes into further detail about these features.

More than just ad copy, we’ve created five new 30-second videos about Fellowstream (because hey, if a picture is worth a thousand words, isn’t a video worth a thousand pictures? That’s like a million words).  Check ’em out:


And I know this is unorthodox, but if you have suggestions on how to talk about Fellowstream, let me know.  What questions do you still have?  What seems unclear about our site?  I’d love nothing more to improve the site so that every single visitor knows exactly what they want to get out of Fellowstream.

-Deborah Fike

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